Talk: Telegraph and the Unix Shell


Ilya has over 20 years of experience in IT as operations and programmer and has been an AWS user for over 10 years and involved in numerous projects. In 2013, dissatisfied with the Unix shell in general and how ineffective it is for using AWS CLI in particular, he started building Next Generation Shell, an Open Source project. This work on new type of shell led to quite a few insights about UIs.

Talk Description

Unix shells’ UI is unbearable relic of the past. In this talk we’ll trace back the roots of Unix shells’ UI back to the telegraph, see what went wrong, and how we can fix it. The first step would be to acknowledge that Unix shell UI is unacceptable anywhere else and we shouldn’t accept it in the Unix shell either. Join the talk to hear about the problem in detail and a proposed solution.


Knowledge required – basic


The talk is based on the Telegraph and the Unix Shell blog post.