Section Syntax – Next Generation Shell


Using comments to denote code sections feels like subpar solution.

One starts with something like the following:

// workaround for API stupidity
if(result === null) {
  result = [];

Then somebody adds another bit so it becomes:

// workaround for API stupidity
if(result === null) {
  result = [];
if(result === [1]) {

Now you are not sure whether the second if is still workaround. You don’t want that. What I usually do in this situation and recommend to others is clearly mark start and end:

// workaround for API stupidity - start
if(result === null) {
  result = [];
// workaround for API stupidity - end

if(result === [1]) {

Now you have duplicated text and subpar programming experience.


Today (2019-10-21) I have added section syntax (to dev branch) to the language I am working on, Next Generation Shell. I think it solves the problem in a clean way, consistent with syntax and semantics of the language:

section "workaround for API stupidity" {
  if result is Null {
    result = []


result = section "Use algorithm X to calculate blah" {
  a = 1
  b = 2
  a + b

In future, for programmer’s convenience backtraces could be augmented with sections’ names.

Update: discussion


Have a nice week!