NGS unique features – exit code handling


How other languages treat exit codes?

Most languages that I know do not care about exit codes of processes they run. Some languages do care … but not enough.

Update / Clarification / TL;DR

  1. Only NGS can throw exceptions based on fine grained inspection of exit codes of processes it runs out of the box. For example, exit code 1 of test will not throw an exception while exit code 1 of cat will throw an exception by default. This allows to write correct scripts which do not have explicit exit codes checking and therefore are smaller (meaning better maintainability).
  2. This behaviour is highly customizable.
  3. In NGS, it is OK to write if $(test -f myfile) ... else ... which will throw an exception if exit code of test is 2 (test expression syntax error or alike) while for example in bash and others you should explicitly check and handle exit code 2 because simple if can not cover three possible exit codes of test (zero for yes,  one for no, two for error). Yes, if /usr/bin/test ...; then ...; fi in bash is incorrect! By the way, did you see scripts that actually do check for three possible exit codes of test? I haven’t.
  4. When -e switch is used, bash can exit (somewhat similar to uncaught exception) when exit code of a process that it runs is not zero. This is not fine grained and not customizable.
  5. I do know that exit codes are accessible in other languages when they run a process. Other languages do not act on exit codes with the exception of bash with -e switch. In NGS exit codes are translated to exceptions in a fine grained way.
  6. I am aware that $? in the examples below show the exit code of the language process, not the process that the language runs. I’m contrasting this to bash (-e) and NGS behaviour (exception exits with non-zero exit code from NGS).

Let’s run “test” binary with incorrect arguments.


> perl -e '`test a b c`; print "OK\n"'; echo $?
test: ‘b’: binary operator expected


> ruby -e '`test a b c`; puts "OK"'; echo $?
test: ‘b’: binary operator expected


> python
>>> import subprocess
>>> subprocess.check_output(['test', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
... subprocess.CalledProcessError ... returned non-zero exit status 2
>>> subprocess.check_output(['test', '-f', 'no-such-file'])
... subprocess.CalledProcessError: ... returned non-zero exit status 1


> bash -c '`/usr/bin/test a b c`; echo OK'; echo $?
/usr/bin/test: ‘b’: binary operator expected

> bash -e -c '`/usr/bin/test a b c`; echo OK'; echo $?
/usr/bin/test: ‘b’: binary operator expected

Used /usr/bin/test for bash to make examples comparable by not using built-in test in bash.

Perl and Ruby for example, do not see any problem with failing process.

Bash does not care by default but has -e switch to make non-zero exit code fatal, returning the bad exit code when exiting from bash.

Python can differentiate zero and non-zero exit codes.

So, the best we can do is distinguish zero and non-zero exit codes? That’s just not good enough. test for example can return 0 for “true” result, 1 for “false” result and 2 for exceptional situation. Let’s look at this bash code with intentional syntax error in “test”:

if /usr/bin/test --f myfile;then
  echo OK
  echo File does not exist

The output is

/usr/bin/test: missing argument after ‘myfile’
File does not exist

Note that -e switch wouldn’t help here. Whatever follows if is allowed to fail (it would be impossible to do anything if -e would affect if and while conditions)

How NGS treats exit codes?

> ngs -e '$(test a b c); echo("OK")'; echo $?
test: ‘b’: binary operator expected
... Exception of type ProcessFail ...

> ngs -e '$(nofail test a b c); echo("OK")'; echo $?
test: ‘b’: binary operator expected

> ngs -e '$(test -f no-such-file); echo("OK")'; echo $?

> ngs -e '$(test -d .); echo("OK")'; echo $?

NGS has easily configurable behaviour regarding how to treat exit codes of processes. Built-in behaviour knows about false, test, fuser and ping commands. For unknown processes, non-zero exit code is an exception.

If you use a command that returns non-zero exit code as part of its normal operation you can use nofail prefix as in the example above or customize NGS behaviour regarding the exit code of your process or even better, make a pull request adding it to stdlib.

How easy is to customize exit code checking for your own command? Here is the code from stdlib that defines current behaviour. You decide for yourself (skipping nofail as it’s not something typical an average user is expected to do).

F finished_ok(p:Process) p.exit_code == 0

F finished_ok(p:Process) {
    guard p.executable.path == '/bin/false'
    p.exit_code == 1

F finished_ok(p:Process) {
    guard p.executable.path in ['/usr/bin/test', '/bin/fuser', '/bin/ping']
    p.exit_code in [0, 1]

Let’s get back to the bash if test ... example and rewrite the it in NGS:

if $(test --f myfile)
    echo("File does not exist")

… and run it …

... Exception of type ProcessFail ...

For if purposes, zero exit code is true and any non-zero exit code is false. Again, customizable. Such exit code treatment allows the if ... test ... NGS example above to function properly, somewhat similar to bash but with exceptions when needed.

NGS’ behaviour makes much more sense for me. I hope it makes sense for you.

Update: Reddit discussion.

Have a nice weekend!

NGS unique features – execute and parse

I am developing a shell and a language called NGS. I keep repeating it’s domain specific. What are the unique features that make NGS most suitable for today’s system administration tasks (a.k.a “Operations” or hype-compatible word “DevOps”)?

This post is first in series that show what makes NGS unique.


Execute and parse operator

Execute-and-parse operator … executes a command and parses it’s output. This one proved to be central in working with AWS API. Citing ec2din.ngs demo script:

``aws ec2 describe-instances $*filters``

The expression above returns a data structure. The command is run, the output is captured and then fed to parse() method. Whatever the parse() method returns is the result of the ``exec-and-parse syntax`` expression above.

Built-in parsing

By default, NGS parses any JSON output when running a command using ``exec-and-parse`` syntax. (TODO: parse YAML too)

In case with AWS CLI commands additional processing takes place to make the data structure coming out of exec-and-parse operator more useful:

  1. The top level of AWS responses is usually a hash that has one key which has an array as value: {"LoadBalancerDescriptions": [NGS, returns, this] } . While I can guess few reasons for such format, I find it much more useful to have an array as a result of running an AWS CLI command and that’s what NGS returns if you run ``aws ...`` commands.
  2. Specifically for aws ec2 describe-instances I’ve removed the annoyance of having Reservations list with instances as sub-lists. NGS returns flat instances list. Sorry, Amazon, this is much more productive.

Customizable parsing

What if you have your own special command with it’s own special output format?

The parsing is customizable via defining your own parse(s:Str, hints:Hash) method implementation. That means you can define how your command is parsed.

 No parsing

Don’t want parsed data? No problem, stick with the `command` syntax instead of ``command``. In case you need original data structure you can use `command`.decode_json() for example.

Why exec-and-parse is an operator?

Why adding an exec_parse() function would not be sufficient?

  1. Execute-and-parse is common operation in system tasks so it should be short. NGS has taken the pragmatic approach: the more common the operation, the shorter the syntax.
  2. Execute-and-parse should look similar `execute-and-capture-output` syntax which already existed when I was adding execute-and-parse.
  3. Making it an operator allows the command to be executed to be written in “commands syntax” (a bit bash-like) which is a better fit.

“I can add this as a function to any language!”

Sure but:

  1. Your chances of getting same brevity are not very good
  2. Making exec-and-parse as flexible as in NGS in other languages would be an additional effort
  3. ``some-command arg1 arg2`` – would it be exec_parse(['some-command', 'arg1', 'arg2']) ? How do you solve the syntax of the passed command? The array syntax does not look good here. Not many languages will allow you to have special syntax for commands to be passed to exec_parse().

If your language is not domain-specific for system tasks, adding exec-and-parse to it will be a task with dubious benefit.

How extreme opposite looks like

Just came across build configuration file of Firefox: settings.gradle (sorry, could not find a link to this file on a web in a sane amount of time). Here is excerpt with lines wrapped for convenience.

def commandLine = ["${topsrcdir}/mach", "environment", "--format",
    "json", "--verbose"]
def proc = commandLine.execute(null, new File(topsrcdir))
def standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(standardOutput, standardOutput)


import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def json = slurper.parseText(standardOutput.toString())


if (json.substs.MOZ_BUILD_APP != 'mobile/android') {

Here is how roughly equivalent code looks in NGS (except for the new File(topsrcdir) which I don’t understand):

json = ``"${topsrcdir}/mach" environment --format json --verbose``
if json.substs.MOZ_BUILD_APP != 'mobile/android' {

Yes, there are many languages where exec-and-parse functionality looks like something in between Gradle and NGS. I don’t think there is one that can do what NGS does in this regard out of the box. I’m not saying NGS is better than other languages for all tasks. NGS is aiming to be better at some tasks. Dealing with I/O and data structures is definitely a target area.

Have a nice day!

Why NGS has no “undefined”

Since I know JavaScript, some Ruby and a bit of Perl which all have the concept of undefined it was a decision I had to make whether I implement undefined in NGS. This article shows why I decided not to have the undefined value/data type.

Update (thanks /u/EldritchSundae): what you observe in Ruby example below is nil, not undefined. In bash the undefined value is empty string. Ruby does not have undefined but it has the ability to read non-existing hash keys without causing an exception like JavaScript and Perl. In Ruby’s case the result is nil, not undef (Perl) or undefined (JavaScript).

Undefined in other languages

Showing here few common cases, not all possible usages.


> nodejs -e 'const a; console.log(a)'

> nodejs -e 'const h={}; console.log(h["xyz"])'

> nodejs -e '(function f(a,b) { console.log(a,b) })(1)'
1 undefined


> ruby -e 'h={}; puts h["xyz"]' # outputs empty line


> perl -e '%h=(); print $h{"xyz"}' # outputs nothing


> bash -c 'echo $a' # outputs empty line

Absence of undefined in NGS

Adding yet another data type to NGS needs justification. I can’t find any justification for undefined. I do consider the usages above bugs. Accessing a variable or a place that were not assigned any value is an error.

Conveying absence of a value in NGS is done similar to other languages with the special null value. There are also somewhat experimental Box, FullBox and EmptyBox types, similar to Option, Some and None in Scala.

Undefined as a hash value for non-existing keys

Having undefined returned when looking up non-existing hash key is a trade-off. It’s more convenient and more error-prone. I have chosen Python-like approach: it’s an error.

> ngs -e 'h={}; h["xyz"]'
... Exception of type KeyNotFound ...

# and added convenience method "get"
> ngs -p 'h={}; h.get("xyz", "NONE")'

Undefined when accessing unset variable

While bash gives you an empty string by default and Perl gives you undef, I do think accessing unset variable is definitely a bug. I guess it was understood at some point by the creators of bash and Perl so bash has -u flag that makes accessing undefined variable an error and Perl has use strict mode which does the same among other things.

> bash -c 'echo $a' # no error
> bash -c 'set -u; echo $a'
bash: a: unbound variable

> bash -c 'a=(); echo ${a[0]}' # no error, just horrible syntax :)
> bash -c 'set -u; a=(); echo ${a[0]}'
bash: a[0]: unbound variable

> perl -e 'print $a' # no error
> perl -e 'use strict; print $a;'
# no error - I have no idea why, probably some "special" variable

# Perl - take number two:
> perl -e 'print $abc' # no error
> perl -e 'use strict; print $abc;'
Global symbol "$abc" requires explicit package name
(did you forget to declare "my $abc"?) at -e line 1.
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

Undefined as value for parameters without arguments

Calling an NGS function with less arguments than it expects is an error as in most languages:

> ngs -e '(F (a,b) 10)(1)'
... Exception of type ArgsMismatch ..

By the way, I do cringe every time I see JavaScript code that explicitly uses undefined:

function f(optional_a, optional_b) { }
f(undefined, 10)

The programmer took a decision not to pass a value. How in the world is this undefined? Use null for f*ck sake!

Have a nice day!