Event Loop for Beginners

The aim of the post is to give a simple, concise, and high level description of the event loop. I’m intentionally leaving out many details and being somewhat imprecise.

If you need detailed picture, follow the links in this post. In this case, I recommend reading this short post first.

Why Event Loop?

To deal with concurrency (multiple “things” need to be happening at what looks like the same time), there are few models. To discuss the models, we need to know what a thread is.

Roughly, a thread is a sequence of computing instructions that runs on a single CPU core.

Roughly, Event Loop manages on which tasks the thread works and in which order.


The queue contains what’s called in different sources messages, events, and tasks.

Message/event/task is a reference to a piece of code that needs to be scheduled to run. Example: “the code responsible for handling the click of button B + full details of the click event to pass to the code”.

Event Loop

  1. The queue is checked for new tasks. If there is none, we wait for one to appear.
  2. The first task in the queue is scheduled and starts running. The code runs till completion. In many languages, await keyword in the code counts as completion and everything after await is scheduled to run later – new task in the queue.
  3. Repeat from number 1. That’s the loop. It’s called Event Loop because it processes events from the queue in a loop.

Adding Events to the Queue

Tasks are added to the queue for two reasons:

  1. Something happened (user clicked on a button, network packet arrived, etc).
  2. The code that was running in step 2 of the event loop scheduled something to run later.

See Also

  1. Event Loop documentation at MDN.
  2. What is the difference between concurrency and parallelism? at StackOverflow

Hope this helps with high level understanding of Event Loop. Have a nice day!

AWS CDK Opinionated Pipeline – Where is What?


You use AWS CDK. It’s great. It does a lot for you. Then one day something goes wrong. OK, it didn’t happen yet. But you want to be prepared for that (at least to some extent). The following information is what I have found when I was preparing. Sharing to hopefully save the reader some time.


Before we dive in, let’s just make sure we’ve got the basics covered

cdk ls

cdk ls lists all the stacks in the app, including the pipeline.

Example from my test project:

$ cdk ls
  • Proj1Stack is the pipeline.
  • Deploy1 and Deploy2 are “stages”

cdk synth

cdk synth $STACK_NAME >1.yaml is your friend, a debugging tool. It shows the generated CloudFormation.

cdk.out directory

cdk.out is the directory where cdk synth outputs everything that’s need for deploying (CloudFormation templates, related assets, metadata). They call it Cloud Assembly.

All assets are named based on the hash of their content so they are unique and immutable.

How the Generated Pipeline Looks Like?

When you use an opinionated pipeline, you can see the following generated CodePipeline actions:

  • Source (with long hash as output artifact name)
  • Build with name Synth (a CodeBuild project that runs cdk synth)
  • Build with name SelfMutate (a CodeBuild project that runs cdk deploy to update the pipeline)
  • Build with name FileAsset1 (a CodeBuild project that runs cdk-assets publish). From reading sources: there might be several cdk-assets publish commands configured in the CodeBuild project.
  • Then two CloudFormation deploy actions per each “stage” you want to deploy to (usage of change sets is the default but can be disabled as per documentation, see useChangeSets):


“It will take the assets listed in the manifest, prepare them as required and upload them to the locations indicated in the manifest.”

Note that cdk-assets is not making any decisions; metadata in the cdk.out directory has the information about assets, how to build/transform them and where they go.

cdk-assets can only handle two types of assets:

  • files (including directories). cdk-assets knows how to zip directories and how to upload files and directories to S3.

    (From reading source code) Didn’t see in use but apparently cdk-assets can also run an executable to package a file (or directory?). In this case the content-type of the output is assumed to be application/zip. 🤷‍♂️
  • Docker images. cdk-assets knows how to build Docker images and push them into registry.

Sample command to see the list of assets: npx cdk-assets ls -p cdk.out/Proj1Stack.assets.json

What is Built When?

Files – unprocessed

If the files/directories don’t need any processing, they are just copied over to cdk.out during cdk synth and given a name which is a hash of the contents.

Example: Lambda function code

Files – processed

The processing happens during the cdk synth so that cdk.out contains already processed assets.

Example: Node.JS Lambda function code (processed by tsc (optionally) and esbuild)

Docker Images

cdk-assets builds a docker image and pushes it into the specified repository. The input for the build of the image is a directory in cdk.out which has the Dockerfile and related files.


After everything was built and uploaded during cdk synth and cdk-assets, the deploy uses CloudFormation template (templates?) from the cdk.out directory. At this point the assets (which the template references) are in ECR and S3.

  • I tried to condense the information that deemed important.
  • Let me know if something is missing or if you see mistakes.
  • The plan is to update this post as I discover new information.
  • My mistakes so far
    • Started taking notes quite a few hours into the process instead of from the start. Especially it would save me the jumping between the pipeline and the build projects to re-check what each action does.
    • Editing this post tired
  • Last edit: 2023-01-20

AWS CDK – Proposed Slogans

Below, despite the humor, is my honest praise to the AWS CDK team and the product.

  1. Finally bringing code into “infrastructure as code”
    (sorry Puppet, Ansible, CloudFormation, SAM, Terraform)
  2. The only team at AWS that actually cares about your experience
  3. Suffer much less
  4. No more dealing with IAM policies anymore*
    * almost
  5. Did you know that CodePipeline actually requires an S3 bucket to work?
  6. CloudFormation? Ye, nice intermediate representation, you know, like assembler with macros.
  7. Making interaction with AWS bearable
    (I would say “again” but it never was)
  8. So right on so many levels
  9. Cloud – it doesn’t have to be ugly
  10. CDK – Cool Developers Know
  11. Isolating you from the ugly
  12. We ate the shit so you wouldn’t have to*
    * mostly
  13. Don’t Look Up^W at the generated CloudFormation

Have a nice day!

Arguments and Parameters

These two words are used interchangeably. Please don’t. They mean different things. Here is my concise explanation.


A value passed into a function/method during invocation.

my_func(arg1, arg2)

Additional names for “argument” are “actual argument” and “actual parameter”.


A name of a variable in the function/method definition. During invocation, the variable is used in the function/method body to refer to the value of the passed argument.

F my_func(param1, param2) {
  # Using param1 and param2 for a computation

Additional name for “parameter” is “formal argument”.

Tip – Parametrize

If you struggle to remember which one is which, this might help: when you “parameterize” a piece of code, you add parameters to the code. Then you have the code with the parameter used in it, with the first occurrence in the function/method definition.

# Initial version

echo("Hello, Joe")

# Parametrized version. "name" is a parameter.

F hello(name) {
  echo("Hello, ${name}")

See Also

Hope this helps! Have a nice day!

Updates after Reddit discussion:

  • I never asked the difference as an interview question. If I would:
    • Getting this wrong – tiny negative point
    • Not understanding why using correct terminology matters – big negative point
    • Understanding the difference and using these words interchangeably (knowingly incorrectly) – huge negative point
    • Providing fake facts to support your opinion that these words are interchangeable – huge negative point
  • Explaining why using correct terminology matters is out of scope of this post